EZ Step Products is committed to making its web site accessible to all users, and we are committed to the goals and tenets of the Americans With Disabilities Act.
We started this process by supplying alt-text descriptions for all images used on the site. We try to structure paragraphs and descriptive text in a straightforward manner, avoiding, for example, bulleted lists and certain text characters that may cause confusion with screen readers.
We are working with shopify, our hosting platform and site design template provider, to maximize accessibility.
We plan to offer an audio version of our site as a convenience to those who might benefit from it.
We are consulting with experts at Minnesota’s State Services for the Blind to improve our site’s functionality.
Your Feedback is Valuable
Despite these efforts, because of frequent updates to Microsoft Windows, various web browsers, and various screen readers and magnifiers, our site’s level of compliance may not meet every user’s needs at all times.
We welcome and value your feedback and suggestions about accessibility issues. If you are having difficulty working with our web site, or if you have comments or suggestions about accessibility, please contact us via email or telephone and we will do our best to assist you.
Thank you!
—The EZ Step Products Team
[email protected]
PO Box 7494
Rochester, MN 55903