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8 in EZ Ring

Plant Support Rings – EZ Rings

Includes 1 EZ Ring, 1 arm, & 1 nut

Available in three sizes (8″, 10″, and 12″)

(Post not included)

$8.95 / Ring (Reg. Price)

$7.95 / Ring (Sale price)

Plant Support Rings – EZ Rings

After you’ve planned every part of a garden, it can be demotivating and frustrating to lose all that hard work to nature’s unpredictability. While it’s impossible to control the weather, we can take steps to keep our plants as protected as possible. This includes the purchase and use of garden plant support rings, which are particularly useful in storm- and wind-prone areas.

Even if you don’t live in an area with high winds and heavy rains, top-heavy, fruit-laden, and tall plants can benefit from a sturdy support. Plant support rings offer a range of advantages. Along with the overall support they provide, these products may prevent delicate plants from breaking due to overloaded branches or windy conditions.

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